About Us

Japan BCG Laboratory

Japan BCG Laboratory was established in 1952 and has produced high-quality BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guérin) vaccine ever since and is the sole supplier of this vaccine in Japan.
For humanitarian purpose, we have distributed our BCG vaccine to more than 50 countries worldwide to support international tuberculosis prevention and have become a respected and longstanding supplier of high-quality products.
More than 2.25 billion doses of our BCG vaccine has been supplied for more than 60 years.

Our History

In 1924, Dr Kiyoshi Shiga brought to Japan a BCG strain from the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France. The strain was sub-cultured and was subsequently named BCG Tokyo 172 strain. Under the auspices of the Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association (JATA), the Research Institute of Tuberculosis (RIT) developed and produced dried BCG vaccine and tuberculin. In 1952, the production department of RIT became Japan BCG Laboratory. Since then, Japan BCG Laboratory has gained international recognition:

  • In 1962, intradermal BCG vaccine was started exporting abroad.
  • In 1965, the WHO recognized the freeze-dried BCG vaccine from BCG Tokyo 172 strain as an international reference preparation of BCG vaccine.
  • In 1987, WHO Prequalification system was started and our BCG vaccine for Intradermal Use was registered as one of the first products.

Our Mission

Japan BCG Laboratory contributes to health of people all around the world though stable supplies of highly qualified BCG products and developments of unique products by our outstanding knowledges and techniques gained from our vaccine productions and researches.

Bibliographic References

  1. Results from Quality Control of freeze-dried BCG vaccine from Japan BCG Laboratory; J. Milstien, Biologicals, WHO, 1989.
  2. Investigation of freeze-dried BCG vaccine from Japan BCG Laboratory; Pan American Zoonoses Center (PAHO/WHO), 1987.
  3. The Thermostability of Different BCG Products; K. Bunch-Christensen, BCG Department, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark, 1981.
  4. Results from Quality Control of freeze-dried BCG vaccine form Japan BCG Laboratory; Lj. High-Mandic, Biologicals, WHO,1979.
  5. Multi Puncture Vaccination in Japan; T. Sawada, Japan BCG Laboratory, T. Hashimoto, NIH Japan and R. Takai, TB Research Institute, Japan 1973.
  6. Study of BCG Strains; T. Sawada, Japan BCG Laboratory and T. Hashimoto, NIH Japan, 1973.
  7. Heat Stability of Japan Vaccine; T. Sawada, Japan BCG Laboratory, 1971.